www.amazon.com unbeatable function and durability, the Concept2 Model D Indoor Rower, the machine of choice for people and athletes of all ages and abilities. While similar Concept2 Rowing Machine Model D is the model I sit higher off the ground (20 inches, about the height of a typical dining room chair), which is ideal for people with balance problems or mobility . The model and comes with the monitor and arm PM4 performance monitor is fixed in position on the E-model (where it turnsthe model D). The PM4 battery and also a Garmin chest strap to measure heart rate. Whether you already row or are considering rowing to keep fit, lose weight, cross-training for another sport to compete in water or for rehabilitation from injury or surgery, rowing is the complete exercise for you. Your whole body is a complete workout from the efficient, rhythmic motion of rowing - arms, legs, chest, back, abs. Aviva Soap Dispenser For Sale Coupon Binding Machine